Browsing by Item Type "Book"
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Book 2017 Nursing Midwifery Excellence Awards Sponsorship Prospectus(Department of Health, 2017) ;Department of HealthOffice of the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer3352 810 - Publication
Book About Healthy Eating(Territory Health Services, 1996-04)Territory Health ServicesA story of old ways of hunting, collecting, fathering and eating good tucker,568 323 - Publication
Book Background paper for "Children's services in the Northern Territory - Room to grow" : a consultation with the community(Northern Territory. Family, Youth and Children's Services., 1993-11)Northern Territory. Family, Youth and Children's Services.This document provides background information to assist the community in preparing comment on children's services in the Northern Territory792 104 - Publication
Book Breast Screen NT 25th Anniversary 1994-2019(Northern Territory Department of Health, 2019)Northern Territory GovernmentThis anniversary book highlights BreastScreenNT's achievements, progress and key focus. The book reiterates the importance of providing the service and the challenges faced with delivering the service effectively in the Territory's unique geographic and demographic makeup641 321 - Publication
Book BreastscreenNT: 10 years, a decade of achievement 1994-2004(DHCS, 2006)O'Rourke, KerrynThis report tells the story of the 10-year service history of BreastScreenNT – the early days, achievements and challenges along the way and where the program is now. It includes facts and figures about the NT population, women’s participation in screening and program outcomes. It tells women’s personal stories about being screened and recalled for assessment, about being diagnosed with breast cancer and about working in the program or in association with it over those 10 years. BreastScreenNT provides a free breast screening service to asymptomatic women at five sites throughout the NT, and screens more than 4000 women each year. Service is provided from first mammogram to the point of breast cancer diagnosis and referral for treatment.1176 1208 - Publication
Book Building healthier communities - East Arnhem regional plan(DHCS, 2004)Department of HealthThe East Arnhem Regional Plan has been developed to ensure that local geographic issues within this Region are enmeshed in our overall strategic direction and deliverable outcomes. The process that has led to the development of the Plan has involved the active participation of the local staff and key stakeholders.1215 317 - Publication
Book Building healthier communities: a framework for health and community services 2004-2009(DHCS, 2004-02)Department of Health and Community ServicesThis booklet describes our vision for the health and community services system in the Northern Territory over the next five years. Specifically, it outlines our framework for building healthier communities for all Territorians.2090 467 - Publication
Book Cancer Journeys in the Northern Territory : Breast Cancer(Dept of Health and Families, 2016)Healthcare Management AdvisorsThis pathway booklet aims to assist people with cancer to understand and navigate the journey ahead. It includes information on early detection, initial diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment options.1903 970 - Publication
Book Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention: a framework for the Northern Territory(Department of Health, Northern Territory, 2012) ;Chronic Conditions Strategy Unit ;Department of Health ;Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance of the Northern Territory ;Baker IDI ;Heart Foundation NT ;Healthy Living NTNT CardiacThe Northern Territory (NT) has a unique population with cardiac service being provided across a large proportion of the country. Current access to cardiac rehabilitation in the NT is predominantly based in the urban centres of Darwin (and Palmerston) and Alice Springs. Patients living in rural and remote regions and Indigenous patients are currently largely underserviced [4]. In order to address this, a strong framework for cardiac rehabilitation has been developed and now must be implemented and evaluated.2021 3688 - Publication
Book Child Protection Teams handbook(Community Welfare Division., 1984)Community Welfare Division. Department of Community Development, Northern Territory.This child protection teams handbook outlines policies, procedures and responsibilities in regard to child protection in the Northern Territory715 62 - Publication
Book Children at risk : guidelines for professionals(Family, Youth and Children's Services., 1993)NT Department of Health and Community Services. Family, Youth and Children's Services.This booklet provides basic information and guidelines to follow if health professionals suspect a child has suffered physical, emotional or sexual maltreatment or is being neglected.710 72 - Publication
Book Children at risk : guidelines for professionals(Community Welfare Branch, Katherine., 1989)Department of Health & Community Services. Community Welfare Branch, Katherine.This booklet provides basic information and guidelines to follow if a health professional suspects a child has suffered physical, emotional or sexual maltreatment. No page 1 or 2 in the original document.750 63 - Publication
Book Community consultation on home micronutrient "sprinkles" for Indigenous children in the Northern Territory 2007(The Program, 2007)Northern Territory department of Health and Community ServicesThis was project was a collaboration with the Fred Hollows Foundation Indigenous Program, Anmatjere health service, Katherine west health Board, Sunrise health service, Wurli Wurlinjang Health Service and United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. Looking at a major health problem with indigenous children in the NT is a iron anaemia and the consequences.582 152 - Publication
Book Cottage homes(Department of Health and Community Services., 1994-03)Northern Territory. Department of Health and Community Services.This publication contains information and application forms for the Cottage Homes emergency and short term care for children733 73 - Publication
Book Darwin Hospital cleaning manual(NT Health, 1983) ;Darwin Hospital. Infection Control CommitteeNorthern Territory Department if HealthThis is a second revision following the 1979 edition The manual has been written and was regularly revised to provide staff with a basic guideline to the cleaning needs and methods in line with general hospital policies .849 71 - Publication
Book Darwin Hospitals Group cleaning manual(Northern Territory Health, 1979-10) ;Darwin Hospital. Infection Control CommitteeNorthern Territory Department of HealthThis manual has been written and was regularly revised to provide staff with a basic guideline to the cleaning needs and methods within the hospitals1033 86 - Publication
Book Dept. of Health and Community Services corporate governance framework(DHCS, 2004-09)Department of Health and Community ServicesGood governance is about both achieving desired results and achieving them in the right way. It is also about the processes by which stakeholders articulate their interests, their input is absorbed, decisions are taken and decision-makers are accountable.1915 1181 - Publication
Book Directory of domestic and family violence services in the Northern Territory(Territory Health Services, 2000)Northern Territory Women's Health Strategy UnitA summary of data provided by responding organisations to the domestic and family violence service mapping project questionnaire. Contact details of other relevant organisations are also included.8159 220 - Publication
Book Directory: alcohol and other drugs services(Alcohol and Other Drugs Program, 2006-12)Department of Health and Community ServicesThe Alcohol and Other Drugs Program has prepared this directory from information supplied by agencies and to the best of our knowledge the information is correct at the time of printing.1401 376 - Publication
Book Drainage considerations for mosquito control(Mosquito Control Association of Australia, 1998)Whelan PIDrains are generally constructed structures to convey stormwater, waste water, or other sources of water by a flow path or formal channel from a catchment or source to a discharge point. Drains can be part of an organised drainage system or a specific measure to drain depressions or temporary flooded areas. Generally drains in small catchments in undeveloped areas only convey water during or for a few hours after rain, and if they have adequate slope, dry up soon after the rain ceases. However drains with larger catchments or from perennial or artificial sources of water, contain water for relatively long periods and can be significant sources of mosquitoes.1264 1856