Physiotherapy-led restorative care enabling improved frailty measures in adults after starting dialysis in Northern Territory of Australia: The ‘Frailty-to-Fit’ pilot study

Richard Modderman
Paolucci, Onika
Sara Zabeen
Tonkin, Clee
Anne-Marie Eades
Roe, Deborah
Jarman, Rebecca
Dole, Kerry
Lowah, Gwendoline
Coccetti, Emidio
Weldon, Anne
Kent, Jacqueline
Kirsty Annesley
Matthias Jing
Purnell, Margaret
Tolbert Dharromanba Gaykamangu
Wayne Alum
Edna May Wittkopp
Anne-Marie Puruntatameri
Hughes, Jaquelyne
Publication Date
Purpose: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ culture is integral to health and wellbeing; this includes access to traditional Country, maintenance of kinship relationships, to speak traditional language and participate in cultural practices. Most clients commencing dialysis in remote Australia, including the Northern Australia region, identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. Aboriginal people who need kidney replacement therapy and are physically fit to access home dialysis report additional health and cultural benefits beyond achieved dialysis adequacy. This study aimed, within the setting of local COVID-19 pandemic preparations and response phases, to design and pilot a physical frailty assessment tool to inform the support needs of physically frail adults in the Northern Territory of Australia after starting haemodialysis
Royal Darwin Hospital, Northern Territory Department of Health, Northern Territory, Australia
Flinders University, College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin School of Allied Health, Western Australia, Australia
School of Nursing, University of Technology, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Wellbeing and Preventable Chronic Diseases, Menzies School of Health Research, Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory, Australia
Physiotherapy-led restorative care enabling improved frailty measures in adults after starting dialysis in Northern Territory of Australia: The ‘Frailty-to-Fit’ pilot study Richard Modderman,Onika Paolucci,Sara Zabeen,...Edna May Wittkopp,Anne-Marie Puruntatameri,Jaquelyne T. Hughes Published online: May 29, 2024
Physiotherapy-led restorative care enabling improved frailty measures in adults after starting dialysis in Northern Territory of Australia: The ‘Frailty-to-Fit’ pilot study
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Journal Article
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