Deadly Ears at Discharge - A hospital-based randomised controlled trial of an additional ear and hearing assessment to inform discharge planning by a trained Aboriginal Ear Health Worker in Aboriginal children with chronic ear infection

This randomised controlled trial will assess whether the input of Aboriginal Ear Health Workers (AEHWs) to the management of ear health problems for in-patient Aboriginal children in Royal Darwin Hospital Can Improve health outcomes. The intervention will be a combination of AEHW diagnostic review plus AEHW - led ear health disharge planning with a focus on more effective communication wiht the family. Currently, the benefit of AHP-led dishcarge planning is not Known. While greater use of AHPs at Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) seems lofical, new positions have not been funded.
Severe otitis media
Deadly Ears at Discharge - A hospital-based randomised controlled trial of an additional ear and hearing assessment to inform discharge planning by a trained Aboriginal Ear Health Worker in Aboriginal children with chronic ear infection
Type of document
Interventional/Clinical trials research
Entity Type

