NT Health Research
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This collection contains journal articles, reports, books and book chapters, posters, conference papers and abstracts authored by NT Health staff, providing an overview of the interests, research activities and projects undertaken at NT Health. Links to external sources are provided where the full-text isn't available in this site.
Browsing NT Health Research by Item Type "Fact sheet"
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Fact sheet 10101 1196 - Publication
Fact sheet Alcohol use in the Northern Territory 2010-2013(Health Gains Planning, Dept. of Health, 2010-10); ;Wang, ZaiminInnovation and ResearchThis fact sheet provides an overview of the level, pattern and prevalence of alcohol consumption among the NT population.13697 1629 - Publication
Fact sheet Cancer in the Northern Territory 1991 - 2020(NT Health, 2023-11)Health Statistics and InformaticsThis factsheet describes cancer statistics for diagnoses in Northern Territory (NT) residents between 1991–2020. It presents statistics on invasive cancers and three in situ cancers (breast, melanoma, bladder). We also report trends for the most common cancers and cancers associated with screening programs. Cancer mortality rates (defined as the underlying cause of death) are presented for all invasive cancers and by cancer type. Cancer statistics were sourced from the Northern Territory Cancer Registry (NTCR) and Australian Cancer Database. Mortality data (data available up to 2019) were obtained from the Australian Coordinating Registry and estimated resident population derived from Australian Bureau of Statistics. Rates are expressed as the number of new cases (incidence) or deaths (mortality) per 100,000 population and adjusted to the 2001 Australian standard population using direct age-standardisation. Population denominators are a sum of the annualised population where multiple years are reported collectively. Cancers are categorised in accordance with ICD-10.1333 362 - Publication
Fact sheet Cancer in the Northern Territory 1991-2019(Department of Health, 2022-12)Population and Digital Health BranchCancer is the most common cause of death among non-Aboriginal residents and the second most common cause of death in Aboriginal residents of the Northern Territory (NT). This factsheet reports malignant cancer incidence, mortality and survival in NT residents for 1991 to 2019 for all cancers combined.6297 916 - Publication
Fact sheet Cancer in the NT(Northern Territory Department of Health, 2022-03)Northern Territory Department of HealthCancer incidence and mortality are important population health outcomes. This fact sheet updates previous Northern Territory (NT) cancer reports to provide long term trends in cancer incidence and mortality between 1991 and 2018. Four data sources were used for this fact sheet: NT cancer data (NT Cancer Registry), Australian cancer data (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare), mortality data (Australian Coordinating Registry) and population data (Australian Bureau of Statistics). The NT population data are estimates of the resident population by age, sex, Indigenous status and health district (1971- 2019). Population data used in this fact sheet differ from previous cancer reports; consequently, caution is advised when comparing rates provided here with rates provided in previous NT cancer reports9375 911 - Publication
Fact sheet Injuries in the Northern Territory, 2020-2022Injury is the leading cause of disease burden in the Northern Territory (NT).1 Injury prevention is therefore critical to improve the health of all Territorians. To support injury prevention efforts, this fact sheet explores the incidence, cause, nature and severity of all injury cases admitted to NT public hospitals between 2020 and 2022.243 221 - Publication
Fact sheet Injury trends, Northern Territory(Health Gains Planning, Dept. of Health, 2010-07) ;You, Jiqiong ;Guthridge, SteveInnovation and ResearchThis fact sheet updates previously reported rates and trends in injury-related mortality and hospital admission in the NT.9890 391 - Publication
Fact sheet Listeriosis(Department of Health, 2018-05)Centre for Disease ControlListeriosis is an uncommon disease caused by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. It is an infection in the bowel which can spread to the blood and other organs such as the brain, liver and bones. In the Northern Territory there are usually less than 3 cases per year1246 264 - Publication
Fact sheet Medicare and PBS usage 2003-2012Medicare is the Australian Government’s universal health insurance scheme and reimburses the cost of primary care services principally provided by General Practitioners (GP). The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) is a parallel publicly funded plan, which subsidises a wide range of prescribed medicines. In 2012, a total payment of $131 million ($100 million in Medicare and $31 million in PBS) was made on behalf of the Northern Territory (NT) residents.13146 1077 - Publication
Fact sheet Medicare and PBS usage in the Northern Territory(Health Gains Planning, DHCS, 2007-07) ;Malyon, RosalynInnovation and ResearchThis fact sheet provides updated information on Medicare and PBS usage in the NT as well as recent estimates of the cost of delivering primary care in remote NT communities. It makes the point that Medicare presently subsidises services that are delivered by general practitioners, which are absent in remote communities, where primary care services are delivered by remote area nurses and Aboriginal health workers whose services aren't eligible for Medicare benefits.10033 868 - Publication
Fact sheet Morbidity in the Northern Territory 2008-2018(Department of Health, 2022-11-08)Health Statistics and InformaticsExamining the severity of ill-health, injury and disease ("morbidity") in a population is critical to inform health system practice and policy. This factsheet compares causes of hospitalisations using public hospital separation data as an indicator of morbidity in the Northern Territory.7063 1059 - Publication
Fact sheet Mortality in the Northern Territory 1967-2006(2011) ;Department of HealthInnovation and ResearchThis Information Sheet provides an update on key indicators of mortality for the Northern Territory, as well as adding important historical data for the period from 1967 to 1980.1,2,3 The mortality dataset for this Information Sheet is Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) death datasets, and includes deaths of all NT residents within Australia by year of death. Population estimates are based on ABS census data.9937 1333 - Publication
Fact sheet Mortality in the Northern Territory 1967-2017(Department of Health, 2021-12)Population and Digital Health BranchThis factsheet provides an overview of mortality in the Northern Territory (NT) over the fifty year period from 1967 to 2017. Information is provided separately for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Territorians with stratification by sex and age group. Mortality is an important measure of the health of populations. Data used in this fact sheet were collated from death registration data from the Australian Coordinating Registry (ACR),2 population estimates from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), and historical research mortality datasets for the years 1967 to 1988.10010 350 - Publication
Fact sheet Mortality in the Northern Territory 1981-2004This fact sheet updates selected mortality indicators for the Northern Territory by adding data from 2004 to previously published information. The analysis uses a compilation of annual Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) death datasets, and includes all deaths in Australia of NT residents, by year of death. Population estimates are based on ABS data from the 1996 and 2001 censuses.13425 582 - Publication
Fact sheet Mortality in the Northern Territory 2006(Health Gains Planning, DHCS, 2006-06) ;Health Gains PlanningInnovation and ResearchThis Fact Sheet provides an update on key indicators of mortality for the Northern Territory and adds new information from 2001, 2002 and 2003 to the previously published data.7613 684 - Publication
Fact sheet 14160 1139 - Publication
Fact sheet Mortality in the Northern Territory, 1967-2020(Department of Health, 2024-12); ; ; Health Statistics and InformaticsMortality and related life expectancies are important indicators of the health of populations. This factsheet provides a routine update on mortality statistics in the Northern Territory (NT). We present long-term trends between 1967 and 2020 for all-cause mortality. We also report key causes of death over a 10-year period 2011–2020. - Excerpt from Background section.67 89 - Publication
Fact sheet Northern Territory Demography 2015This fact sheet provides an overview of the Northern Territory demography in 201510925 1732 - Publication
Fact sheet Northern Territory demography by Regions 1986-2016(NT Health, 2022-11-03)NT HealthUnderstanding the demographic characteristics of the NT is an important component of policy development and improved service delivery. Changes in population also influence funding and resource allocations. In 2018, the Northern Territory Government defined six regions (NT Regions) for service provision and reporting. These regions are: Darwin, Palmerston and Litchfield; Top End; East Arnhem; Big Rivers; Central Australia; and Barkly. The fact sheet summarises population changes from 1986 to 2016 overall and for each region.5380 478 - Publication
Fact sheet Northern Territory population movement in the COVID-19 pandemic - Results from 2021Interstate migration has consistently detracted from population growth in the Northern Territory (NT), with more people leaving the NT than arriving. In the NT, this population loss is usually offset by natural increase (greater births than deaths). However, the COVID-19 pandemic may have resulted in inbound and outbound migration changes. The 2021 Census of Population and Housing was conducted in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, including closed borders both domestically and internationally. Analysis of Census data will help to inform migration patterns in the NT observed during this time.1099 346